Meet Leap of Faith Chloe

Hey there! I’m Dr. C, your friendly renegade travel writer, always on the lookout for the next great adventure. With a curious mind and a passion for exploring the world, I’m here to share travel advice that’s rooted in cultural anthropology, to help you experience strong emotional and personal growth while broadening your horizons!

Armed with a PhD in cultural anthropology (Boston University, 2015), with a focus on religion and gender, I’ve spent years delving into the rituals, beliefs, and art of human societies around the globe. This background has not only enriched my understanding of the world, but also paved the way for a unique approach to travel.

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to set foot in 46 countries and explore 106 UNESCO World Heritage Sites – and I’m always looking for ways to embrace humanity’s archaeological past and vibrant present. From ancient temples to bustling markets, every journey has been an opportunity to learn and grow. These journeys are a testament to the boundless wonders our world has to offer – and I’m always planning my next voyage.

In 2019, I took a leap of faith and left my teaching position to become a digital nomad and travel writer. It was a decision fueled by a desire to break free from the traditional constraints and share my passion for travel in a more personal and interactive way.

Why Anthropology Matters

My anthropological training is the compass that guides my travels. It allows me to immerse myself in local cultures, gaining insights that go beyond the surface. I believe that understanding the intricate tapestry of beliefs, traditions, and practices adds depth to every travel experience. And I believe that self-improvement, a process we should all strive for, includes empathetic, adventurous, sometimes even scary travel, where we push our own boundaries of understanding and possibility.

What You’ll Find Here

On this blog, you’ll discover a treasure trove of tips and advice for the curious traveler, as well as products I’ve developed to make it easier to plan your life-changing adventure. Whether you’re seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations, practical packing tips, or insights into the cultural nuances of a place, I’ve got you covered.

So, grab your backpack and let’s embark on a journey of discovery together. From the remote corners of Asia to the vibrant streets of Latin America, we’ll uncover the hidden gems and untold stories that make each destination truly special.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or just to swap travel stories. Let’s make this a space where our shared love for exploration knows no bounds!

Happy travels!